Monday 17 September 2007

Clinton Vs. Giuliani

Surprise! Hillary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani are still scuffling about that pesky war. Poor Hillary: one tiny vote for the war in Iraq, like, AGES ago, and people just won't get off her case about it. This latest bout of playground pushing comes in the wake of a f**king stupid advertisement in the New York Times taken out by liberal campaigners MoveOn. The ad dubbed General Petraeus 'General Betray-Us' which isn't even funny and made the Democrats look like crazy slogan-shouting nonsense-pedlars. Mind you, has always been the embarassing uncle of the liberal movement.

Soo, after a breif victory jig, the Republican party wasted no time choosing Hillary as their prime target.

Hillary fought back, saying: "I have repeatedly not only expressed my strong admiration and support for our men and women in uniform but with respect to General Petraeus, I have also made my respect for him abundantly clear and I think that speaks for itself," which both makes no sense and seems utterly clear, like almost everything she ever says.

Both candidates actually benefit from this kind of public one-on-one; by only taking each other on they're almost already fighting the general election, as well as further endearing themselves to their core supporters. The only possible problem will come when the entire country realizes that the issue is unbelievably boring, and has nowhere to go. Hillary voted for the war. Now she wishes she hadn't. She's probably not gonna say sorry about that. You decide. The end.

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