Monday 6 August 2007

Mitt Romney: Champagne Mormon?

This weekend, you couldn't swing a cat without hitting a Presidential Candidate debate. They were practically standing in your supermarket aisles while you chose your cereal, "clarifying your question for you." At the YearlyKos convention the Dems were trotted up and down in front of an elite squadron of liberal bloggers, while the Repubs enjoyed the benefits of TV scheduling, going out live to the country early on a Sunday morning. Of course, the most revealing debate of the last few days comes courtesy of a hidden camera, Mitt Romney and an Iowan radio show host. The clip is 20 full minutes long. Who has 20 minutes for this sh*t? You do.
Is Mitt a real Mormon, or does his pro-choice record make him, like, a PUSSY kind of Mormon? Will he put off the religious right with his mimsy-pimsy, gay-marryin', alcohol-toleratin' carryings on? Oh yes, America's problem with you is that you might be a teensy bit liberal, and not that you believe, as you clearly state, that Christ's Second Coming will take place in both Jerusalem and Missouri. In fact, only once in a blue moon do we get to see a candidate speak so fluently and ungaurdedly about anything. Governor Romney makes a convoluted but passionate defense of the relationship between his politics and his faith. He's still a Mormon, but this will do him good. It wasn't done...on purpose, was it?

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