Thursday 26 July 2007

Yeah, what she said: You(tube) Decide.

There were questions in the form of a song, in the form of a talking snowman; there were questions from a man who called his gun his 'baby.' There was a probably-insightful question about No Child Left Behind that had such an embarassing heavy-metal soundtrack that the Monocle couldn't bear to watch another second. It wudn't really a debate. Monday's Youtube thing happened; everyone decided who won; everyone disagreed with each other; Hillary Clinton won. The end. You can hear the reverb on their microphones: they're speaking to people. Millions and millions of people. It's killing them. They can barely move.

1) If you have decided not to vote for Hillary because she's a woman, or for Obama because he's black, John Edwards doesn't want you to vote for him either. You hear that? He doesn't want your vote. Which means that he wants no votes at all. None.

2)In a beautiful world, Dennis Kucinich would be President. He's never gonna get elected, so f**k it! He do what he want! A) He's the only explicitly pro-gay marriage candidate, B) he's flat-out in favour of reparations for slavery, C) that's a natty little bow-tie, D) he's married to a woman LITERALLY TWICE HIS HEIGHT, and D) he's not so stupid, either. Much has been made of the size of the Democratic field, but if Kucinich can hang on until the primaries he'll push the campaigns in the right direction. He's a teeny, tiny blessing:

3)John Edwards had a thing or two to say about Hillary's jacket. In case you hadn't heard 5,000 times already, John's daddy wudn't nothin' but a l'il ol' millworker in No'f Car'lahna. Johnny sure has grown into quite the metrosexual, however.

4)Hillary Clinton smacked Obama DOWN. Like, everyone's talking about it. Did you see did you see? She smacked him DOWN etc. 'At this high-level.' Way to make Obama look like he's snapping at your heels. Clinton then kicked the prone Obama in the stomach, saying after the debate that his answer had been 'irresponsible and naive'. Yesterday Obama responded by calling Clinton out on her early vote for the Iraq war, saying "You know, I think Senator Clinton hasn't really answered that issue." This "I know you are, but what am I?" approach to a small youtube bitch-slap seems like a bad idea, but in fact Obama has counter-punched spectacularly well. He later said, on no less than TELEVISION: “It goes to the heart of whether or not we’re going to have a fundamental change in how the Bush administration has conducted foreign policy, or we’re going to have a version of Bush light.” And you know what, he's right. Clinton might well have taken a huge swing at a sitting target and clonked herself on the back of the head.

5)Those Americans sure do talk about RIGHTS a whole lot. Rights this, rights that. They don't say a damn thing about 'rights' in England. But then again, America is forever skirting the edge of people's civil rights. Guess it's more of an issue over there. And this is a Democratic Party debate. Mind, Clinton didn't shy away from 'family', 'American', 'family values' 'values' 'American values' 'fundamentally American'...golly. Obama used a fair bit of 'cynicism', 'unification', and 'movement'. John Edwards: 'personal journey', 'embrace and lift up' and 'mah wife'. Joe Biden: 'Catholic' 'Catholic', 'Catholic.' Mike Gravel: 'Listen!' 'Listen to me!' 'Follow the money!' 'Follow the money!' 'I'm telling you' 'Listen to this,' and 'In the pockets of.' A fine bunch. Vote Kucinich. Or Edwards. You decide.

And in conclusion:

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