Friday 20 July 2007

Daily Briefing: McCain Campaign Finally Does the Maths

A leaked Memo from the newly, uh, streamlined McCain campaign has stunned the internets. Making a comparison between McCain's recent financial booboos and the 1979 meldown of Ronald Reagan's White House-headed juggernaut, this memo advises the Senator to "Live off the Land." And while the poor guy crouches behind a New Hampshire oak tree gnawing on discarded hotdogs his advisors have hit upon a revolutionary fundraising strategy. "Spend less", they suggest. "Raise more." Oh. Ok then.

Back on the front lines, and Mitt Romney called Barack Obama a pervert, while the Pentagon suggested that Hillary Clinton has been spreading enemy propaganda. Like we haven't heard that one before. Apparently Ms. Clinton, as a member of the Armed Services Committee, asked for a detailed proposal for the withdrawl of troops from Iraq. That bitch.

Aaand, just to prove how cuddly she is, Hill and Bill - Billary, if you will - have spoofed the Sopranos ending. Not afraid to be themselves, those darn Clintons.

Well, she's a better actor than he is.

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