Jeez, something must have happened. Ok, ok, everyone got all het up about Hill-Clint's laugh:
and you can kinda see their point. It looks like she's about to kill us. But then again, we like that about her, right?
John Edwards was accused of cheating on his (AWESOME, DYING, SHOULD-TOTALLY-BE-PRESIDENT) wife. There are no links to this story available on the internet anymore, which means that The National Enquirer was probably about to get the living bejesus sued out of them by the Edwards Campaign. Edwards also seems to have been losing some ground in Iowa, his last chance saloon, to Obama AND Hillary. This makes us so depressed we want to get drunk and pass out again.
We'd like to give a shout out to our new fave columnist: Gail Collins of the New York Times. Click here to read her on baby boomers and Hillary.
Hillary is winning. Everything. Still. But seriously, read Gail Collins. And listen to the Archers. And hell, have a slice of cake. Aaah; it's good to be back.