Astonished, The Monocle raises its spectacles to take a closer look at the world of American Campaign Politics.
Monday, 23 July 2007
Youtube Debating: Mainly about, uh...
Ohmahgagh! The world's first...wait, the world's second...well, whatever. The Democratic Youtube debate starts tonight at midnight. Be there or have better things to do. The beauty of the youtube debate is, in essence, the beauty of the 2008 campaigns. If it all goes without a hitch, no-one will pay the slightest bit of attention to anything anybody says. If, however, a candidate makes a mistake - and that can be a tiny, tiny fuck-up, a little hair tossing (yes, you, Edwards), a little hand-waving (Richardson, you know who we're talking about), or a mind-blowing brain-freeze - it is presented to the world on a silver platter. But wait! Youtube watchers finally get to ask the questions! How could THAT be a bad idea? Anderson Cooper tells us that there are 'many amazing questions'. You mean like this one, right Anderson?
Erm, who shot this video? A poltergeist? Is this man a poltergeist himself? And then, at last, a young man speaks for the people:
What will continue to bemuse y'all, of course, is how in the Sam Hell Barack Obama KEEPS looking clueless in recorded debates without anybody pointing it out. Because he's a man of Destiny, ok? A man of Destiny.
Welcome to The Monocle. We hold these truths to be self-evident: The race for the race for the Whitehouse has begun, and over the next year fine political minds will chant in unison. They will wander, lost and shivering, through their own sentences, they will sleep 1 hour in 400, and, in some cases, hunt duck on live television. By this process the American people will, in November 2008, be given the opportunity to choose the leader of the free world. Join us, as we pick the best bits out for you.
Honk For Kerry
The Monocle once campaigned for John Kerry. It stood at an intersection in the centre of Philadelphia holding a sign that read HONK FOR KERRY! There were 5 other people on the roundabout doing the same thing. The Monocle jumped up and down and waved the sign in the air. Some people honked. It was pretty cold out there.
The lady in the shed called it 'consciousness raising' and handed over signs. People stupid enough to run skidded dangerously on a rolling sea of Sharpies and Pentels. The Monocle was sent to a specific roundabout - a special, designated junction, mind - with a couple who had driven all the way from North Carolina. The couple were wearing matching lavender fleeces. They were accompanied by an older lady dressed in newspaper. Everybody drank Dunkin' Donuts coffee and rubbed their hands together. The Monocle felt quite sick with excitement.
Some people honked so much that they drove round the block to do it again. Some slowed down to shout encouragement. Some slowed down to throw trash. A yellow truck slowed down so that a man could lean out the of the window and shout "No thankyou! No thankyou! He wants to have lunch with Saddam Hussein!" before he was out of earshot.
A lady wandered up and touched The Monocle on the elbow. She said "What do you care, no offense, but what do you care, being from Australia?" The Monocle patiently explained that no, though it may sound as though The Monocle was Australian, it was in fact from England. The lady said "Well, what do I care?"
That was in the high hours, the heady minutes before the election, when the Monocle was pretty sure it knew what was going to happen. Anyway, whatever, it didn't. The Monocle woke up the morning after the long night and went out, prepared for riots. People in the cafe next door were reading the newspaper. 'Did Kerry lose?' asked the Monocle. 'Pretty much' said the cafe owner. The Monocle looked around. A couple of people turned a page. Someone stirred their coffee, someone else sneezed quietly.
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