It has come to our attention that certain of your good colleagues have overloaded on Dunkin Donuts, bleary back-seat cat-naps, incessant, blaring hotel-television news, debate-hall entrance music and constant deadlines, and have started to turn in copy like this:
Last week was his worst since he launched his campaign in February last year. He was tested by an incendiary public appearance last week by his former pastor, Jeremiah Wright, which pushed race up the agenda.
We suggest that you let Ewan MacAskill and Suzanne Goldberg have a break, already. Nobody really cares about this stuff anymore anyway. Give them a minibreak. Maybe together. Let 'em come back when two people are actually running for President.
If you don't, they might try to push something much pointier than race up YOUR agenda.
Respectfully Yours
The Monocle.